Noise reduction ratings (NRR) are a way to measure the decrease of sound in different devices. For example, in manufacturing businesses, employees often use headphones or earplugs to reduce the noise of machinery and more. Those headphones are given a NRR rating to indicate how good they are at reducing the amount of dangerous noise to the ears. This information is incredibly pertinent for individuals immersed in noisy environments whether for work or play.

Noise Levels and Exposure

Noise is rated in decibels (dBs). These ratings can help us to measure noise levels and identify when hearing protection is required. For example, a jet taking off is rated as 150dBs whereas a vacuum cleaner is rated at 70dBs.

Therefore, the higher the decibel count, the more important it is for noise reduction devices to be used. When the decibel level is high, it means that it will only take a short amount of time before your hearing is damaged. Many health and safety organizations recommend that people should only be exposed to fifteen minutes a day at a decibel level over 85dBs.

Any longer than fifteen minutes would require adequate noise reduction devices to protect hearing.

How to Determine Noise Reduction Levels

Before recommending noise reduction devices, it’s important to determine the levels of noise in your environment. This can be done using a sound pressure level meter. This meter should be used in the noisiest part of your environment for an accurate reading.

To understand NRR value, you must first measure the noise of your environment. So, if your environment measures at 90dBs and you’re using headphones with a NRR of 25dB, the average noise levels will decrease to 72dBs.

Here’s the calculation:

  1. Subtract seven from the NRR= 18
  2. Subtract 18 from the noise level= 72
  3. 72dBs is the best possible outcome when using 25dBs headphones or earplugs.

Proper Fit

Making sure that headphones and earplugs fit properly is essential. In a working environment, the health and safety officer should be responsible for checking the fit of each employee’s headphones and earplugs. It’s vital that the right size and level of protection is used.

The earmuffs of headphones should completely cover the ear and the silicone tip of earplugs needs to seal off the ear canal. Be sure to read the manufacturer’s advice before using noise reduction devices. If you have never determined the NRR needed for an environment before, it’s best to seek advice from someone who has. Getting it wrong can have detrimental consequences to hearing.

Hearing Loss from Noise Exposure

It only takes one occasion of loud noise exposure to damage hearing. If you are someone who has had repeated exposure to loud noise, you may have developed symptoms of hearing loss. Loud noise damages cells and membranes in the cochlea which can lead to cells dying.

People of all ages are susceptible to noise induced hearing loss. It’s common in people who have worked in manufacturing settings, like woodshops, or people who have been near loud explosions. Hearing loss doesn’t usually happen instantly; it can happen slowly over a long period of time.

Some people even ignore the signs of hearing loss for as long as they can. Signs of noise induced hearing loss include:

  • Ringing
  • Buzzing
  • Roaring

You may find it difficult to communicate with people without having to ask them to speak louder and you may find yourself turning the volume up on the TV or music.

Preventing Noise Induced Hearing Loss

You can prevent noise induced hearing loss by using noise reduction devices that protect your hearing. The more you can reduce the decibels of noise, the better. If your employer isn’t willing to purchase better earplugs for you, you may want to think about purchasing your own. Any money you spend will go towards the future of your hearing health.

Getting a Hearing Test

If you have been or are currently exposed to high noise levels, you should be getting regular hearing tests. This is a great way to stay on top of your hearing health. Your audiologist will be able to advise on hearing protection.

In addition, your audiologist will be able to spot any potential problems with your hearing and work with you to ensure there is no further damage. Ask your audiologist how often you should be having hearing tests. If you’d like to book an appointment, contact EarTech Audiology at (866) 464-1008 and we can arrange a hearing test for you. Our friendly team is ready to answer your questions.

Tags: hearing protection products, noise reduction ratings