Ringing in the ears, commonly known as tinnitus, has been described as a buzzing, hissing clicking and other noises. You may experience it constantly, or the noises may come and go. Tinnitus is one of the most common health conditions and affects up to 15% of the world's population. But will hearing aids help?

What are the causes of tinnitus? 

Tinnitus can develop in people of all different ages and backgrounds. Tinnitus can stem from a number of reasons: 

  • Loud noise: If you are exposed to loud noise on a regular basis, either through work or going to noisy public functions, such as concerts, you could expose yourself to the symptoms of tinnitus. 
  • Aging: Some aspects of tinnitus can be associated with age-related hearing loss. This is because, as we get older, the nerve fibers in our ears decrease in number. 

Other causes of tinnitus can include earwax blockage, injuries to the head, neck or ears, neurological disorders and prolonged use of certain medications.

How can tinnitus be managed? 

There is no known cure for tinnitus. There are a wide variety of tinnitus management options available, such as sound therapy, stress and anxiety management, as well as tinnitus masking, but hearing aids can prove beneficial for ringing in the ears.

How do hearing aids help with ringing in the ears? 

People that experience tinnitus may also experience some level of hearing loss. The benefit of using hearing aids for tinnitus will allow people to hear sounds that were missing, or disguised by the tinnitus. Hearing aids come with tinnitus masking features, which allows the individual to remove their focus from the ringing in the ears. 

Sound therapy with hearing aids 

Many hearing aids for tinnitus can be programmed to help the individual focus on outside sounds. Hearing aids can be programmed to contrast the noises ringing in our ears. Hearing aids for tinnitus masking are very effective for people who have hearing loss within the same frequency as their tinnitus. 

The auditory stimulation effects 

Hearing aids can provide tinnitus relief by stimulating the auditory senses. Many hearing aids come with Bluetooth technology, so you can use auditory stimulation techniques to provide short-term tinnitus relief. You can connect your hearing aids to other technology to play a variety of sounds to mask tinnitus. You could use music with different frequencies, various noise simulations, as well as a wide variety of filters and modulated sounds. You can use your hearing aids to stimulate your hearing in ways by streaming sound therapy to your device, which is a wonderful way to slowly take your focus from the ringing. 

How it can help improve your communication 

When people experience loud ringing in the ears, it holds up a barrier between them and their ability to participate in everyday conversation. Hearing aids have sound masking features that will block out the tinnitus. As the person can hear surroundings and individuals clearly, this will improve their quality of life.

People that experience tinnitus can have a higher level of stress and anxiety because they are fatigued due to focusing on people with great intensity. Using hearing aids can mean the wearer is able to follow conversations easier, is less stressed, less fatigued and has a greater quality of life. 

The importance of hearing aids as a combination therapy 

If an individual is perceived to have tinnitus, an audiologist may prescribe a hearing aid, but it's also important to note that if you are experiencing ringing in the ears, a combination of therapies may also work. You can retrain your brain to ignore the tinnitus through several methods such as cognitive behavioral therapy and counseling.

It can also work in combination with a healthier lifestyle, especially if it is due to general stress and anxiety. For example, regular exercise will improve blood flow to every part of the body, including the ears. In addition, minimizing exposure to loud noises can be beneficial.

Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, can be a widespread problem. But it is crucial to identify the underlying cause. When tinnitus is diagnosed by an audiologist, hearing aids can make a significant difference to the quality of your life.

If you are experiencing ringing in the ears, or you have concerns that you may be in the early stages of tinnitus, you can contact EarTech Audiology at (866) 464-1008 to book a test with an audiologist. Tinnitus is not just a condition that affects our hearing, but can adversely affect our mental health.