Audiologists are hearing professionals ready to assist you with any hearing issues you have. If your medical practitioner suspects you have a hearing issue they will send you to an audiologist. On the other hand, you might contact one yourself if you suddenly lose your hearing for some reason. Although an audiologist is the obvious person to consult it's not always easy to know what to say. Read on to find out. 

How can I evaluate my hearing abilities?

When people experience hearing loss, one of the first things they should do is contact their audiologist. An audiologist is an expert in hearing healthcare who can help you evaluate your hearing loss and decide on the best treatment options. 

When you contact your audiologist, they will ask a series of questions to determine your current level of hearing. They will then offer you a hearing test to assess your full range of hearing, including what pitch of sounds you can hear, what volume of sound can be heard and whether you can hear speech. 

When you visit your audiologist, they will also give you an idea of what caused you to acquire hearing loss and how you can respond. In most cases it will require a hearing aid, which is available in numerous styles.  

How can I prevent hearing loss? 

Everyone wants to have good hearing, which is why it's important to employ best practices to prevent any form of hearing loss. And even if you already have a mild degree of hearing loss you still want to prevent further deterioration in the future. 

In most cases, hearing loss can be prevented by reducing your exposure to harmful noise, talking to your physician about any ototoxic medications you may be taking, and looking out for the signs of viruses and diseases known to damage the hearing. Some forms of hearing loss, however, can't be prevented, such as aging. 

What measures are available to treat hearing loss? 

Any degree of hearing loss should be addressed as soon as possible. This can be anything from mild, permanent hearing loss to sudden or temporary. Hearing loss can easily worsen if not treated early. The best intervention is to seek the advice of an audiologist. Untreated hearing loss can have a significant impact on your health and lifestyle. It not only makes the world more difficult to navigate, but it can impact your mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as your relationships. 

The most common method for treating hearing loss is a hearing device. The most common hearing aid styles include in-the-ear (ITE), in-the-canal (ITC) and behind-the-ear (BTE) devices that are worn on the outside of the ear or in the canal. They work effectively to increase the sound gathered by your ear from the environment and improve your hearing. 

How should I wear my hearing aid? 

Hearing aids are all different, as are ear shapes and personal preferences. Consult with your audiologist about your preferences and consider their advice. You audiologist will help get the right fit for your devices. At first you probably won't wear your hearing aid immediately. Not full time at least. It takes time to acclimate yourself to hearing aids so it's best if you come up with a process in consultation with your audiologist to introduce it to your life. This will probably mean wearing it at certain times of the day. 

Your audiologist will show you how to fit your hearing aid and advise you on a schedule for introducing it into your life. You will work up to emerging the device full time, except for when you shower and sleep. 

How do I look after my hearing aid? 

Audiologists are hearing experts. In addition to diagnosing and treating hearing loss, they are also well equipped to handle queries and concerns related to hearing devices. If you have an issue with a hearing device, your audiologist is the best person to ask. 

When your audiologist gives you your hearing aid, they will also instruct you on proper care and maintenance of your devices. This care plan will help you prevent physical wear and tear that could impact the longevity of your devices. If damage occurs, however, they will be able to make minor repairs and ensure it is returned in perfect working order. 

If you have any issues with your hearing or your hearing device, you should contact your audiologist immediately for an assessment or some advice. Don't take risks with your hearing, contact EarTech Audiology at (866) 464-1008 for more information.