Hearing aids are designed to improve hearing for those with hearing loss. The first electric hearing aid was invented at the end of the 19th Century, and they have come a long way since then.

Modern hearing aids have a range of features that not only help amplify sounds for the wearer, but provide a number of useful functions that add greater support to those with hearing loss. These features can make a big difference to the wearer, making hearing aids more effective and more comfortable to wear.

What are the latest advances in hearing aid technology? Here are three high-tech features of modern hearing aids showing just how far the technology has come in recent years.

1. Smartphone connectivity

Hearing aids are not only improving the user experience through subtler designs and more comfortable wear, they’re also being developed to work with other devices to make them even more valuable to the wearer. Smartphone connectivity is a key feature of many modern hearing aids, providing a number of benefits, including:

  • Bluetooth connectivity: Bluetooth connectivity enhances the features of a hearing aid. It enables hearing aids to be connected easily to a number of audio sources, from phone calls to music and even TVs. This allows you to enjoy many of your favorite activities without having to make adjustments or impact those around you.
  • Connected apps: Many modern hearing aids connect to a smartphone app that allows them to be customized and controlled easily. You won’t have to manually adjust your hearing aids, you’ll get to do everything from your smartphone. This is ideal for dealing with the different aspects of your life where you might want to increase the volume for some activities and reduce it for others.

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence is dominating technology, and hearing aids are no exception. AI can mean that hearing aids begin to learn how to respond to different environments, mimicking the way your brain would process the sounds around you. This can make it easier to listen, creating a more natural experience that is less tiring and allows you to focus on the conversations taking place.

Artificial intelligence continues to advance, meaning there could be even more improvements to hearing aid technology in the future.

3. Durable, Rechargeable Devices

Dealing with batteries and having to replace them regularly is one of the downsides of wearing a hearing aid. But thanks to tech developments, modern hearing aids now come with rechargeable batteries that make it much easier to maintain your device. Not only does this make it easier to keep your hearing aid powered, but it also reduces waste.

With a rechargeable hearing aid, you can charge your device overnight, leaving it fresh and ready for you in the morning.

Choosing the Right Type of Hearing Aid for You

Finding a hearing aid can be a complex process – there are a lot of different styles and features to choose from. But finding the right hearing aid can make a big difference to your life, allowing you to have a hearing aid you barely notice is there as you continue with your daily activities.

Making an appointment with an audiologist can help you find the right hearing aid for you. They’ll be able to help you choose a hearing aid that meets your needs. There are different types of hearing aid, from basic hearing aids to more advanced devices that feature the latest technology. Meeting with your audiologist will give you the chance to explore different hearing aids and see their features to help you find your perfect match.

Make a Hearing Appointment with EarTech Audiology

At EarTech Audiology, we provide a range of services to help our clients hear better. From hearing tests to tinnitus treatment, we can provide the support you need with your hearing.

We specialize in hearing aid provision, helping you choose from a wide range of hearing aid styles that suit your needs and budget. We provide an in-depth consultation to help you choose a device that suits your lifestyle and ensure it’s fitted correctly for you. We can also provide you with information and guidance to help you take care of your hearing aid to keep it working for you.

Make an appointment today to help you find the right hearing aid for you. You can contact us online, or you can call us at (866) 464-1008. Speak to the team today and let us help you with all of your hearing needs.

Tags: hearing aid features