We often do not realize how important our ears are until it is too late. Our lives are made better by having good hearing on all levels: socially, cognitively and physically. Failure to safeguard your hearing or neglecting an existing hearing impairment may have consequences that you aren’t even aware of! Some of the many benefits of having normal hearing include the following:

Physical Health Improvements

Hearing aids led to an increase in physical activity for 21% of respondents who participated in a Hear the World Foundation study. In addition, 34% of those who participated said they engaged in some form of physical activity at least once a week.

Increased Mental Well-Being

According to Johns Hopkins University researchers, clinical depression, as well as the development of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, have all been associated to hearing loss in some way. Fortunately, many of these disorders can be avoided or even corrected by wearing hearing aids on a regular basis.

Relationships That Are Stronger

You cannot have a healthy relationship unless you are able to communicate well. This is especially true when it comes to family and friends. Hearing disability can cause frustration, misunderstandings and bad will among those who are affected. While in public locations where there is a lot of background noise, wearing hearing aids will help you to join in discussions without being distracted by the background noise.

Improvements in Mental Capabilities

According to a study published in 2016, hearing devices can help people who have hearing impairments enhance their brain function. Hearing loss has a negative impact on cognition because it forces the brain to use greater resources in order to receive and interpret.

Tinnitus Symptoms Are Reduced

Hearing aids enable people who have experienced hearing loss to hear noises that they were previously unable to hear. Hearing aids can help to disguise and lessen the symptoms of tinnitus by increasing the amount of stimulus that is received by the brain and auditory pathways. Hearing aid users can also use hearing aids to control the level of their surroundings and block out tinnitus sounds.

Less Fatigue

When you have to expend additional energy in order to hear and comprehend what others are saying, stress, tiredness and exhaustion might occur as a result. Using hearing aids not only improves your ability to hear and converse better, but they also helps you save energy by requiring you to exert less effort while you listen.

Better Safety

When your hearing is healthy, you will be better equipped to react to critical sounds and disturbances. With hearing aids, you will be able to hear all of the sounds around you, including alarms, sirens, cell phones, doorbells and car horns, as well as any other traffic noises that indicate approaching vehicles.

Less Headaches

Headaches and even migraines are frequently associated with tinnitus, and these symptoms can exacerbate the tinnitus symptoms further. It is possible to lessen both the intensity and the frequency of headaches by wearing hearing aids that diminish tinnitus sensations.

Greater Clarity in Speech

Hearing problems in young children, who are still developing their early language abilities, should be addressed as soon as they are discovered. It is possible that fluid has built up inside the child’s inner middle ear canal, necessitating the surgical placement of a drainage tube to relieve the pressure. In more extreme instances, children may be fitted with hearing aids to improve their hearing and guarantee that they are learning to speak properly and precisely while they are growing up. Even grownups pronounce and converse more clearly when their hearing is clear.

Increased Confidence in the Workplace

If you want to be able to carry out your regular work obligations effectively, you must have good hearing. Coworkers may not be able to tell you important things if you can’t hear them. This can lead to misunderstandings, missed deadlines and unfinished projects because you can’t hear them. Avoiding these issues with the use of hearing aids will result in you feeling more fulfilled and taking greater pride in your profession. Better communication in the workplace and more work will also make your coworkers happier. If you believe you may be experienced hearing impairment and are frustrated with the fact that you are losing out on key conversations, you should consult with an audiologist in your region as soon as possible. They can help you decide if hearing aids can improve your hearing and general health. Call EarTech Audiology at (866) 464-1008 to speak to a friendly member of our team who will be happy to help.