Have you noticed a deterioration in your hearing? If so, you have probably been to see an audiologist, and they may have told you that you are suffering from hearing loss. At this point, an audiologist will probably recommend that you get hearing aids. Hearing aids can help improve your hearing and also impact your general quality of life. Here are a few questions to ask your audiologist about hearing aids.

Is there only one type of hearing aid?

It may surprise you to learn that there is not just one type of hearing aid. If you’re getting hearing aids, you can choose from at least five different types. This includes in the ear hearing aids, behind the ear varieties, in the canal options and hearing aids that are completely invisible to individuals around you. Your audiologist will be able to discuss these different types with you and help you make an informed decision. Be aware that not all the different types of hearing aids will be available for all types of hearing loss. For instance, hearing aids that fit directly in the ear canal are typically not powerful enough for those with severe hearing loss.

What do I do if my hearing aids get broken?

If your hearing aids get broken, you need to know how to get them repaired. Your audiologist will be able to tell you exactly what happens if your hearing aids need a repair, or even if you need a replacement, You should make sure you are aware of how long a hearing aid repair may take because during this time you won't be able to use your devices. You should also check whether your audiologist will provide you temporary hearing aids while your first pair are being fixed. This can help ensure that you do not get stressed during a time that you are without your hearing aids.

What type of features can I get?

You have a lot of choices when you choose your hearing aids. This includes looking at the type of features that some of the options provide. Technology has advanced massively over the past few years, and there are fantastic options on the market now for people who need hearing aids. Your audiologist will be able to explain some of the features that some hearing aids have such as Bluetooth. With Bluetooth technology, you will be able to connect your hearing aids to a range of devices in your home, including your TV, your phone and potentially, your laptop. Another useful feature would be noise reduction. With noise reduction, background noise can be reduced by your hearing aid so that you can focus on people speaking.

Will I need to upgrade my hearing aids?

Finally, you may be interested in whether you will keep your hearing aids forever, or if you will need upgrades. Aside from the typical advances in technology, an upgrade might be necessary if your hearing gets worse. Your audiologist will explain the likelihood of this and the type of upgrade you will need if it does happen.