If you’ve been using hearing aids for a prolonged period of time, it’s easy to forget what life was like before. Hearing aids can have a fantastically positive benefit on your quality of life, but even if you care for them diligently, there is a risk of things going wrong. If you find that you can’t hear as clearly as you should be able to, or your hearing aids aren’t working properly, you may need to investigate hearing aid repairs. If you’re not sure what to do, here are 4 FAQs about hearing aid repairs that may help you decide which step to take next.

Why would I need hearing aid repairs?

Hearing aids are advanced pieces of kit, and they are built for durability, as well as functionality. However, hearing aids are not immune to damage, and you might find yourself in a situation where you need to ask questions about hearing aid repairs for a number of different reasons. Your hearing aid may be damaged as a result of exposure to water, or you might find that it doesn’t work properly if you’ve dropped it on a hard surface. If you’ve had your hearing aids for a long time, you may find that a gradual build-up of issues and general wear and tear take their toll.

Who should I contact?

If you’re having problems with your hearing aids, it’s wise to contact your audiologist. If there are issues, your audiologist will be able to tell you whether they can be fixed quickly or whether you’ll have to wait for the repairs to be carried out.

Is it a good idea to attempt repairs myself?

If your hearing aids aren’t functioning correctly, it’s wise to take a look at them and see if there are any obvious issues, which could be to blame. Check for any cracks and clean your hearing aids to see if this helps. It’s also a good idea to change the batteries just in case a lack of power is contributing to the problem. If you can’t see any obvious signs of damage, and changing the batteries doesn’t bring about any improvements, it’s advisable to steer clear of DIY repairs. Contact your audiologist, and they will be able to take a look at your hearing aids for you.

Should I repair or replace my hearing aid?

In some cases, when hearing aids are damaged, it may be best to replace them, rather than attempting extensive hearing aid repairs. When your audiologist has looked at your hearing aids, they will be able to discuss your options with you and help you decide whether it’s best to replace or repair them.

Have you experienced problems with your hearing aids, or are you worried that they’re not working quite as well as usual? If you’ve got concerns and you think your hearing aids may be damaged, it’s wise to contact your audiologist. Often, it is possible to repair hearing aids, but in some cases, replacing them may be a better option.