What is an earmold and why might you need one? This is a very good question with a lot of variable answers. People with hearing aids are not the only people who might need an earmold. In fact, an earmold can be made and used for any number of things.

First let’s look at what an earmold is: an earmold is an impression that has been taken of your ear. The impression might be taken from the canal all the way out to the outer ear filling it all up, or anything in between as well. The type and use of your earmold will affect the type of impression that will be taken. The earmold impression is taken by a hearing health professional. To take the impression, he or she will insert an otoblock — or a foam block on a string — into the ear. Using impression material in a gun or syringe, the hearing health professional will insert the otoblock into the ear to fill it up and take the impression. After a few minutes, to allow the impression material to set, the earmold impression is taken out of the ear, checked and then set away to be made into what you desire. The process of taking an earmold impression is not long or hard to do but it can help in so many ways for so many people.

Earmold uses

An earmold impression can be made into an in-the-canal hearing aid or an earmold to be attached to a behind-the-ear hearing aid. For any type of hearing aid the earmold is an essential part in making the hearing aid and feel comfortable for the user. Earmold impressions can also be made into noise reducing earplugs that can be used and worn on job sites or around the home to protect ones hearing from damaging sounds that can cause hearing loss. They can also be made into sleeping plugs to help drown of the noise around a person trying to sleep. Earmolds can be made into swimmers plugs to help prevent water from getting to the ear which can cause ear infections. They can also be made into receivers for musicians, television hosts, air traffic controllers and even Bluetooth headsets.

Earmolds are very versatile and can be used by many different individuals in their everyday life for any number of functions. All you have to do is figure out which way works for you.