Hearing loss is a scary thing regardless of your age but is something that will impact millions of people every single year. Worst of all, though, up to two in three cases go untreated. Sadly, this only accelerates the deterioration and prevents you from restoring your hearing back to the best it can be.

So, what can you expect when visiting an audiologist for hearing loss treatments? Here’s all you need to know.

Each case is unique

No two people are the same, which is why the audiologist will want to find the cause and severity of your hearing loss. If you’ve noticed that the signs of hearing loss are creeping into your life, it could be tempting to self-diagnose. In reality, the experts are the only ones ready to find the best treatment.  

An audiologist can test for varying types of hearing loss. Understanding your situation will allow them to provide the best treatment.

What are the common treatment types?

Given that each hearing loss case is unique, you could face a variety of potential treatments. This naturally depends on the specific factors relating to your situation. The most common solutions are listed below:  

Hearing aids: In many sensorineural hearing loss cases, the damage is permanent. Therefore, the best solution in these cases is hearing aids. Those digital amplification devices won’t restore the natural hearing, but they will allow your ears to pick up the sounds. While it does take time to get used to them, there are various options out there. Most importantly, they can restore a sense of normality.

Other devices: Standard (including custom designed) hearing aids are a great solution for many. However, some sufferers will require different types of hearing assistance. Devices can include cochlear implants to aid the auditory nerve. Alternatively, assisted listening devices may be the better option. It’s all about what’s right for you.

Irrigation: Not all hearing loss is permanent. Not all hearing loss is even due to serious issues. Blockages are one of the most common causes of lost hearing. An audiologist can often clear the wax and debris with a syringe and drops. This won’t be used when there is damage to the eardrum. But when the blockage is limited to the middle and outer ear, this can be the quickest way to restore your hearing.

Surgery: Conductive hearing loss can occur for many different reasons. If it’s due to problems with the bones or a deformity of any kind, it’s likely that surgery will be required. The type of surgery will be influenced by several elements. This solution may be used when the hearing loss is due to health conditions or diseases too.

Whatever type of hearing loss you’ve suffered, leaving the ears untreated is simply not an option. An audiologist will always discuss the various options at your disposal to ensure you get the right one. While the level of improvement will depend on the cause and possible treatments, the main thing is that it will aid your life. Frankly, that’s the least you deserve.